Ministers Message August 13th, 2020

Dear Grace,

Taras and I were so surprised by the lovely wedding gift from Grace United Church! We are excited to visit the Eastern Townships (and the site of the Inspector Gamache books) later this fall. Thank you for the extra time off for a late honeymoon, and for the monetary gift as well.

I will be away from the afternoon of August 16th until September 8th. During this time, as always, the church is in great hands with plenty of lay leadership!

We are taking a break from Grace United Church services. For information about other church services, please see below in Grace Notes.

If you have an urgent church leadership question, please contact Larry Seguin. ( If you have an administrative question, please contact Sonya Armstrong (

If you are seeking pastoral care (a visit, needing help, illness, death in the family or anything else), please call Sonya at 819-827-1212 and leave a message. Sonya will be in touch soon and connect you with a member of the pastoral care team. (Nancy Landry, Joanne Kosmack are available for the whole time and Sue Toller is available for the later two weeks).

I’ll look forward to worshipping with you again online on September 13th! We will explore possible future in-person services after that.

With love and blessings,
