Worship Services and Grace Notes While Natalie is Away

Rev. Natalie will be away for a few weeks this summer. She is going to be getting married!

Grace United Church will not have an in person church service on the following Sundays:

August 23rd
August 30th
September 6th

We will be back on Sunday September 13th! This first week back will be online. We are hoping to have the option of in-person services available soon. We will also maintain online services for those who are safer at home.

We encourage you to have person or family worship during the three weeks that Grace United Church will not be having a church service.

There are also some great online options! Église Ste. Claire is an new online francophone church based in the Ottawa/Gatineau area. Rev. Susan Butler-Jones is offering services at Navan Vars United Church. Rev Boyd Drake is preaching at St. Andrew’s Cumberland and Eric Hébert-Daly is preaching at Kanata United Church.

Here is the information to access these services:

1. Église Ste. Claire (dimanche à 19h30):
Sur Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81181273557
No de réunion: 81181273557 (Au téléphone: +1 438 809 7799)
Diffusion un simultanée ici sur Facebook Live
En différée sur la chaîne YouTube de l’Église: www.youtube.com/c/eglisesainteclaire

2. Navan Vars United Church (10 am on Sundays): https://www.facebook.com/groups/2563017700469301

3. St. Andrew’s United Church Cumberland (10:15 am on Sundays): https://www.facebook.com/standrewsunitedcumberland

4. On Sunday September 6th, Eric Hébert-Daly is preaching at Kanata United Church. He invites you to join virtually! To get the Zoom link, please email office@kuc.ca a few days before the service

Grace Notes will also be taking a small break over the next few weeks. We will have an issue on August 27th and on September 10th. We will be skipping August 20th and September 3rd.