All are warmly welcome!

The people of Grace United Church are diverse. Some of us grew up in church, while some of us are new to Christian faith. We are busy toddlers, elderly people, and in between. Our first languages are English, French and other languages. What we have in common is that our lives are being shaped by Jesus Christ.

This is a community on a journey. We don’t have all the answers, so we travel together and with Jesus. We are listening to hear where God is calling us and figuring out together what it means to be the Church here and now. 


We believe in strong links between church and community. Grace began as a partnership between five congregations of the United Church of Canada: St. Andrew’s Cantley, Chelsea United Church, St. Andrew’s Gatineau, Rupert United Church, and St. Andrew’s in Wakefield, Quebec. These congregations decided to become one church, a process that involved joy, tears, hard work and faith. Grace officially become one church in November 2016. We are still finding our identity as a new church. We are praying and researching about location and how we can best serve our communities. At the moment, we are worshipping in Chelsea and Rupert.

As a church, we are different in many ways: in stage of life, our personalities, gender, sexual orientation, language and more! What we share in common is Jesus.

It is always good to make new friends; regardless of where you are on your faith journey, it would be a joy to meet you.




Grace United Church began as a partnership between five congregations of the United Church of Canada: St. Andrew’s Cantley, Chelsea United Church, St. Andrew’s Gatineau, Rupert United Church, and St. Andrew’s in Wakefield, Quebec. These congregations decided to become one church, a process that involved joy, tears, hard work and faith. Grace officially become one church in November 2016. Many of the original buildings have been sold so that we could focus on community rather than building maintenance.

Some of our members joined Grace United Church from one of the founding churches, while others have joined since 2016. 


L’Église Unie de la Grâce fait partie de l’Église Unie du Canada. Vous pouvez en apprendre plus sur ces sites web :




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